Assist.Prof.Dr Sirasa Ruangritchankul
- Geriatrics Medicine
- Internal medicine
Sub Specialty
Routine Schedule
- Wednesday: 17.00-20.00
5th Floor, Counter C (EAST Lift)
Treatments And Services
- • Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment and Holistic Care
Visiting Research Fellow in ageing and geriatric
Fellowship: Geriatric Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
Ramathibodi Hospital , Mahidol University "
2015 - 2017
Diploma of the Thai Board of Geriatric Medicine
Research And Publications
Ruangritchankul S. Polypharmacy in the Elderly. Rama Med J 2018; 41(1):95-104.
Ruangritchankul S, Krairit O., Putthipokin K., Chansirikarnjana S., Assavapokee
T., Sraium S. Polypharmacy among Older Adults in Outpatient Clinic, Internal
Medicine Department, Ramathibodi Hospital. Thai J Toxicology 2018;33(1):35-50.
Ruangritchankul S, Wananukul W, Srisuma S. Management in Calcium Channel
Blocker Overdose Patients Reported to Ramathibodi Poison Center. Isan J
Pharm Sci 2018;14(2):70-82.
Ruangritchankul S, Krairit O. Chronic Pain Assessment in the Elderly. Rama
Med J 2018; 41(3):92-99.
Ruangritchankul S, Krairit O. Chronic Pain Management in Older Adults. Rama
Med J 2019; 42(2):63-78.
Ruangritchankul S, Srisuma S. The pattern of substance abuse in Thai elderly:
Ramathibodi Poison Center. SAGE Open Med 2019;7:1-7