Hair Restoration Clinic

14th Floor, Counter B (EAST Lift)

電話 02-090-3139

8:00 am.- 8:00 pm.

Hair Restoration Clinic

Hair problems, especially hair loss, thinning hair, or baldness, can strongly affect personality and quality of daily life. It can even lead to emotional distress in many people. Nowadays, not just men but women and teenagers are also increasingly prone to this problem.
MedPark provides care by a highly experienced American Board and Fellows of The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (FISHRS) certified medical team, including Assoc. Prof. Ratchathorn Panchaprateep is a world-class award winner for her innovative hair restoration and hair loss treatment. MedPark Hair Restoration Clinic can provide a unique, personalized solution to suit your every hair care need.

The cause of hair loss and thinning can stem from genetic or hormonal influences, an autoimmune disease causing alopecia areata, nutritional deficiencies, stress, chronic medical conditions, or medications. You should consult a dermatologist for appropriate and timely treatment for your hair or scalp problem.
At MedPark Hospital, the functional working spaces of our dermatology and the aesthetic clinic are perfectly apportioned. A cosmetic counter with hand-picked skincare products from multiple brands, including MedPark’s medical-grade products, is available for your selection for what suits you best.

公開済み 03 7 2023



  • Link to doctor
    Dr Wich Sangsuwan

    Dr Wich Sangsuwan

    • 皮膚科
    • 毛髪障害および髪の再生手術
    ボツリヌス毒素注射, フィラー注射, ニキビ, 酒さ(赤ら顔), ニキビ跡, 乾癬, 自己免疫性皮膚疾患, 皮膚感染, 性感染症, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚外科, メラスマおよび色素異常, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, 美容皮膚科, アレルギー性接触皮膚炎, 炎症性皮膚疾患(皮膚炎), 自己免疫疾患, 軽度皮膚手術, 皮膚再生のためのレーザー治療, 皮膚弛緩に対するレーザー治療, 黒皮症におけるレーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングのためのレーザー治療, 低出力レーザー治療, ニキビ跡のレーザー治療, 毛髪障害, 皮膚科, 髪の再生手術
  • Link to doctor
    Assoc.Prof.Dr Ratchathorn Panchaprateep

    Assoc.Prof.Dr Ratchathorn Panchaprateep

    • 皮膚科
    アンドロゲン性脱毛症, 急性脱毛症, 慢性脱毛症, 瘢痕性脱毛症, 円形脱毛症, 産後休止期脱毛症, 脂漏性皮膚炎, 頭皮のかゆみ, 老人性脱毛症, 多血小板血漿, 低出力レーザー治療, FUT法植毛, FUE法植毛, 眉毛移植, ひげ移植, 長髪移植, リジェネラ(肌組織再生治療)