สายตาเอียง (Astigmatism) สัญญาณ อาการ สาเหตุ การตรวจวินิจฉัยและการรักษาสายตาเอียง - Astigmatism, signs, symptoms, causes, diagnosed, and treated


Astigmatism is an abnormal shape of either cornea, the front surface of your eye, or the lens inside of your eyes causing blurred distance and near vision.




Astigmatism is an abnormal shape of either cornea, the front surface of your eye, or the lens inside of your eyes causing blurred distance and near vision. Normally, the surface of these two is curved and ball-rounded like. When these parts of your eyes contain mismatched curves, the surface of them turn to be egg shaped which leads to blurred vision at all distances. This problem is frequently show up at birth and commonly treatable by corrective lenses or surgery.

What signs and symptoms of astigmatism? 

Signs and symptoms are normally found directly with the abnormal vision. The patients may have blurred or distorted eyesight. Some tend to have difficulty with night vision as well. Squinting and eye strain or discomfort are also found in many cases. Beside the problems of vision, many people may have headaches as a part of the symptoms.

When to see the doctor?

Having astigmatism may disturb some activities or your daily habits. If the problem decreases your performance of your daily task, you may see the doctor to find the best option to improve your vision.

Astigmatism in children and adolescent 

Astigmatism is commonly found at birth. The children with astigmatism may not be aware of their problems and cannot express their discomfortness directly. Screen for eye disease and vision tests are needed. With various kinds of procedures, pediatricians, ophthalmologists, optometrist, or other trained screeners will diagnose irregular eye vision and suggest the options to correct their visions. Generally, the newborn period, well-child visit until school age, and yearly check-up for children during school years are recommended.

What are the causes of astigmatism?

There are two structures inside of your eye called the cornea, a clear  surface of the eye along the tear film, and the lens, a clear changeable structure helping focus on near objects. These curved-surface structures function on reflecting light onto the retina at the back of your eye. The perfect round-shaped surfaces reflect light equally and create the sharply focused images on the retina. When the surface has an abnormal shape, it reduces the performance of reflecting light and creates blurred and unfocused images.

How is astigmatism diagnosed?

Eye health and a reflection are checked through a series of tests to determine the ability of reflecting light. Kinds of instruments are used to bring light into your eyes, then the quality of your vision through several lenses will be asked. Different aspects of your eyes are examined for the further prescription to provide the solution for your clear vision such as eyeglasses or contact lenses.

How is astigmatism treated? 

The treatments aim to improve a clear vision and comfort the eye. Corrective lenses and refractive surgery are the common choices for the astigmatism treatment.

  • Corrective lenses
    • Eyeglasses
    • Contact lenses
  • Refractive surgery
    There are several kinds of refractive surgery including:
    • Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK)
    • Laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy (LASEK)
    • Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
    • Epi-LASIK
    • Small-incision lenticule extraction (SMILE)

Preparing for an appointment

Before your appointment,  you are advised to be aware of restrictions prior the appointment and you may prepare some information including: 

    • your experienced symptoms
    • your key personal information
    • all medications you are taking
    • questions that you want to ask the doctor

During the consulting, the doctor may ask some questions including the information such as:

    • the beginning of your symptoms
    • whether your symptoms are continuous or occasional
    • the severity of your symptoms
    • whether anything improve or worsen your symptoms

公開済み 26 10 2020



  • Link to doctor
    Assoc.Prof.Dr Bharkbhum Khambhiphant

    Assoc.Prof.Dr Bharkbhum Khambhiphant

    • 眼科
    • 屈折矯正手術
    白内障手術, LASIK後の白内障手術, トリフォーカル, トリフォーカルトーリックIOL, モノフォーカルトーリックIOL, コンタクトレンズのフィッティング, 円錐角膜, 低視力リハビリテーションおよび視覚補助技術
  • Link to doctor
    Dr Suphawadee Erjongmanee

    Dr Suphawadee Erjongmanee

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
    角膜・外眼部疾患, ドライアイおよび眼表面疾患, 屈折異常, 屈折矯正手術, マイボーム腺機能不全, 白内障手術
  • Link to doctor
    Dr Monthira Jermjutitham

    Dr Monthira Jermjutitham

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
    角膜・外眼部疾患, 屈折矯正手術, 眼科, 翼状片, ドライアイ・角膜疾患, 白内障手術, 角膜移植
  • Link to doctor
    Dr Thitima Wungcharoen

    Dr Thitima Wungcharoen

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
    • 外眼部疾患
    ドライアイおよび眼表面疾患, 角膜・外眼部疾患, 円錐角膜, 白内障手術, グラフトを用いた無縫合翼状片手術, 屈折矯正手術, 角膜移植
  • Link to doctor
    Dr Marisa Taechajongjintana

    Dr Marisa Taechajongjintana

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術
    屈折矯正手術, 屈折異常
  • Link to doctor
    Dr   Nutharin   Phusitphoykai

    Dr Nutharin Phusitphoykai

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
    眼科, 角膜・外眼部疾患, 屈折矯正手術
  • Link to doctor
    Dr Usanee Reinprayoon

    Dr Usanee Reinprayoon

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
    角膜・外眼部疾患, 肉芽腫およびフィブリン糊を用いた肉芽腫切除, 円錐角膜, 屈折矯正手術, 角膜移植, 角膜幹細胞移植, 白内障手術
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    Prof. Ngamjit Kasetsuwan

    Prof. Ngamjit Kasetsuwan

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
    角膜・外眼部疾患, ドライアイおよび眼表面疾患, 肉芽腫およびフィブリン糊を用いた肉芽腫切除, 円錐角膜, 屈折矯正手術, 角膜移植, 角膜幹細胞移植, 白内障手術
  • Link to doctor
    Assoc.Prof.Dr Prin Rojanapongpun

    Assoc.Prof.Dr Prin Rojanapongpun

    • 眼科
    • 緑内障
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
    白内障手術, 白内障, 緑内障, 虹彩再建
  • Link to doctor
    Asst. Prof. Dr Worawalun Honglertnapakul

    Asst. Prof. Dr Worawalun Honglertnapakul

    • 眼科
    • 小児眼科
    • 斜視
    成人・小児における白内障手術, 斜視および外眼筋手術, 成人・小児における一般眼科学, 屈折異常, 弱視, 白内障, 翼状片, 瞼裂斑, ドライアイおよび眼表面疾患, 斜視
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    Dr Wimonrat Prateepasen

    Dr Wimonrat Prateepasen

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
  • Link to doctor
    Assoc. Prof. Dr Vannarut Satitpitakul

    Assoc. Prof. Dr Vannarut Satitpitakul

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
    ドライアイ・角膜疾患, 白内障手術, 屈折矯正手術, ドライアイおよび眼表面疾患, 白内障