มะเร็งผิวหนังเมลาโนมา - Melanoma


Melanoma is a serious kind of skin cancer developing in melanocytes. This type of cancer can spread to other parts of the body, especially to the nose to throat.



Melanoma is a serious kind of skin cancer developing in melanocytes. This type of cancer can spread to other parts of the body, especially to the nose to throat. The cause of melanomas is still unclear. However, ultraviolet radiation (UV) is considered as a factor that may increase the risk of melanoma.


Melanoma can progress in any area of the body especially that is exposed to the sun, such as the face, arms, back, and legs. People with darker skin may more commonly have hidden melanoma, a type of melanoma that occurs in the areas that are not exposed to the sun, such as palms, feet, and fingernail beds.

People with melanoma may first experience a change in an existing mole or the development of new pigment or abnormal growth on the skin. You may raise your awareness of melanoma if your mole:

  • has irregular shapes.
  • has an irregular border.
  • changes its color.
  • is a new growth and larger than six millimeters.
  • changes over time.
  • develops new symptoms, such as bleeding or itchiness.

Hidden melanoma

Melanoma can occur anywhere in your body either it is exposed to the sun or not, such as

  • under a nail
  • in the mouth
  • in the digestive tract
  • in the urinary track
  • in the vagina
  • in the eye

When to see a doctor

You are advised to see a doctor if you notice any changes in your skin.


Melanoma is a result of the abnormal production of melanocytes that produce skin color. DNA damage causes the new cells to grow uncontrollably and disorderly. Due to this condition, a mass of cancerous cells develops.

However, the exact cause why this condition happens is still unclear. Apart from genetic factors, environment and exposure to ultraviolet are considered as possible factors that increase the risk of melanoma.

Risk factors

Other factors that may increase the risk of melanoma may include:

  • fair skin
  • a history of sunburn
  • exposure to ultraviolet (UV)
  • the equator area or higher elevation
  • moles or unusual moles
  • a family history of melanoma
  • debilitated immune system


To diagnose melanoma, the doctor will conduct some physical exam and may require a biopsy by removing a sample of tissue for testing.

To determine the extent or the stage of the melanoma, the doctor will:

  • determine the thickness of a melanoma
  • observe the spread of melanoma to the lymph nodes
  • seek for signs of cancer in other parts of the body


Treatment for melanoma depends on its size and stage. The doctor may recommend removal surgery to people with small melanomas. The surgery may be the only treatment needed for people with early-stage melanomas.

For people with melanomas that have spread to other parts of the body, the treatment may include:

  • A removal surgery of affected lymph nodes
  • Immunotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy

Preparing for an appointment

Before your appointment, you are advised to be aware of restrictions prior to the appointment and you may prepare some information including:

  • your experienced symptoms
  • your key personal information
  • all medications you are taking
  • questions that you want to ask the doctor

公開済み 25 10 2020



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    Dr Pasu Piamphongsant

    Dr Pasu Piamphongsant

    • 皮膚科
    美容整形外科, ニキビ, ニキビ跡, 乾癬, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚外科, 皮膚癌手術, 黒皮症におけるレーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, ボツリヌス毒素注射, ケロイドおよび肥厚性瘢痕, 多血小板血漿, アンドロゲン性脱毛症, FUT法植毛, FUE法植毛, 長髪移植, 髪の再生手術, 毛髪障害, 円形脱毛症
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    Dr Yada Itthipanichpong

    Dr Yada Itthipanichpong

    • 皮膚科
    皮膚外科, Mohs(モーズ)手術, メラスマおよび色素異常, 美容皮膚科, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, 多血小板血漿, ボツリヌス毒素注射, フィラー注射, 静脈硬化療法, メソセラピー, アンチエイジング(抗加齢)および再生医療, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚・爪の手術, ニキビ跡, ニキビ, 酒さ(赤ら顔), 一般皮膚検査, アレルギー性接触皮膚炎
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    Dr Chatchadaporn Chunharas

    Dr Chatchadaporn Chunharas

    • 皮膚科
    皮膚再生のためのレーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングのためのレーザー治療, アレルギー性接触皮膚炎, メラスマおよび色素異常, 皮膚感染, ニキビ, 酒さ(赤ら顔), ニキビ跡, 乾癬, 白斑, 皮膚癌検診, 軽度皮膚手術
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    Dr. Walailak Meeprathom

    Dr. Walailak Meeprathom

    • 皮膚科
    • 皮膚病理学
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    Dr Nutthamon Bowornsathitchai

    Dr Nutthamon Bowornsathitchai

    • 皮膚科
    皮膚科, ニキビ, 酒さ(赤ら顔), ニキビ跡, 乾癬, 炎症性皮膚疾患(皮膚炎), 自己免疫性皮膚疾患, 皮膚感染, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚外科, 皮膚癌手術, Mohs(モーズ)手術, メラスマおよび色素異常, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, アレルギー性接触皮膚炎
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    Dr Nicha Rungsimanond

    Dr Nicha Rungsimanond

    • 皮膚科
    皮膚再生のためのレーザー治療, 美容皮膚科, 一般皮膚検査, 皮膚科, 毛髪・爪の疾患, 皮脂嚢胞, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚癌手術, ニキビ跡, ニキビ, 乾癬, 皮膚感染, メラスマおよび色素異常, 黒皮症におけるレーザー治療, 炎症性皮膚疾患(皮膚炎), 酒さ(赤ら顔), アレルギー性接触皮膚炎, 接触皮膚炎, 一般婦人科検査, 湿疹, 急性脱毛症, 慢性脱毛症, 毛髪障害, 老人性脱毛症, 瘢痕性脱毛症, アンドロゲン性脱毛症, 低出力レーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングのためのレーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, ボツリヌス毒素注射, 静脈硬化療法, 多血小板血漿, ニキビ跡のレーザー治療, 皮膚弛緩に対するレーザー治療, 軽度皮膚手術
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    Dr Wich Sangsuwan

    Dr Wich Sangsuwan

    • 皮膚科
    • 毛髪障害および髪の再生手術
    ボツリヌス毒素注射, フィラー注射, ニキビ, 酒さ(赤ら顔), ニキビ跡, 乾癬, 自己免疫性皮膚疾患, 皮膚感染, 性感染症, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚外科, メラスマおよび色素異常, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, 美容皮膚科, アレルギー性接触皮膚炎, 炎症性皮膚疾患(皮膚炎), 自己免疫疾患, 軽度皮膚手術, 皮膚再生のためのレーザー治療, 皮膚弛緩に対するレーザー治療, 黒皮症におけるレーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングのためのレーザー治療, 低出力レーザー治療, ニキビ跡のレーザー治療, 毛髪障害, 皮膚科, 髪の再生手術
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    Dr Poonnawis Sudtikoonaseth

    Dr Poonnawis Sudtikoonaseth

    • 皮膚科
    • 皮膚病理学