ก่อนและหลังการทำ Picosecond Laser เลเซอร์รอยดำรักษากระ

Picosecond Laser

a technology that helps treat freckles, blemishes and wrinkles


Picosecond Laser is a technology that helps treat freckles, blemishes and wrinkles, as well as stimulates the production of collagen to make the skin smooth and wrinkle-free. Picosecond Laser is also used to remove tattoos. With the innovation of the Picosecond Laser that provides high energy in a short time, it can cause the colour pigment to break down thoroughly and results in less treatment time than other laser techniques. It also destroys a specific colour pigment without either causing damaged tissues or thinning the skin.

Picosecond Laser can be used for problems that arise on the face, arms, back, hands and other parts of the body. It can be also used to treat pigmentation that occurs on the lips, armpits and the base of the breast.

The results

In general, the results can be seen after 1-2 treatments in people with freckle problems. The results will be noticeable after 5-6 sessions of continuous treatment in people with more severe problems. However, the effects of a tattoo removal treatment may vary according to the intensity and quality of the color used for the tattoo. The frequency of laser treatment is 1 time per month for freckle and 2 times for tattoo removal.

Advice before and after Picosecond Laser

Before the treatment

You are advised to avoid outdoor activities for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment. If you have a history of drug allergy, especially anesthetics or other medical conditions, you should inform your doctor before receiving the treatment. However, the use of cosmetics, nourishing creams, including hairspray, should be avoided at the laser treated area.

After the treatment

  • Do not use soap or makeup on the laser treatment area until the scabs are completely removed.
  • Avoid contact with water for 2 days after the treatment. If the wound gets in water, pat it dry with a clean cloth.
  • Apply medical cream or Vaseline ointment strictly according to your doctor's instructions.
  • Do not scratch, peel, rub or do anything that will cause any impact and rub the wound.
  • See a doctor immediately if any abnormalities occur in the wound, such as a rash, swelling, redness, pustules and pain or itching.

公開済み 02 12 2020



  • Link to doctor
    Dr Nicha Rungsimanond

    Dr Nicha Rungsimanond

    • 皮膚科
    皮膚再生のためのレーザー治療, 美容皮膚科, 一般皮膚検査, 皮膚科, 毛髪・爪の疾患, 皮脂嚢胞, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚癌手術, ニキビ跡, ニキビ, 乾癬, 皮膚感染, メラスマおよび色素異常, 黒皮症におけるレーザー治療, 炎症性皮膚疾患(皮膚炎), 酒さ(赤ら顔), アレルギー性接触皮膚炎, 接触皮膚炎, 一般婦人科検査, 湿疹, 急性脱毛症, 慢性脱毛症, 毛髪障害, 老人性脱毛症, 瘢痕性脱毛症, アンドロゲン性脱毛症, 低出力レーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングのためのレーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, ボツリヌス毒素注射, 静脈硬化療法, 多血小板血漿, ニキビ跡のレーザー治療, 皮膚弛緩に対するレーザー治療, 軽度皮膚手術
  • Link to doctor
    Dr Chatchadaporn Chunharas

    Dr Chatchadaporn Chunharas

    • 皮膚科
    皮膚再生のためのレーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングのためのレーザー治療, アレルギー性接触皮膚炎, メラスマおよび色素異常, 皮膚感染, ニキビ, 酒さ(赤ら顔), ニキビ跡, 乾癬, 白斑, 皮膚癌検診, 軽度皮膚手術
  • Link to doctor
    Dr Wich Sangsuwan

    Dr Wich Sangsuwan

    • 皮膚科
    • 毛髪障害および髪の再生手術
    ボツリヌス毒素注射, フィラー注射, ニキビ, 酒さ(赤ら顔), ニキビ跡, 乾癬, 自己免疫性皮膚疾患, 皮膚感染, 性感染症, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚外科, メラスマおよび色素異常, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, 美容皮膚科, アレルギー性接触皮膚炎, 炎症性皮膚疾患(皮膚炎), 自己免疫疾患, 軽度皮膚手術, 皮膚再生のためのレーザー治療, 皮膚弛緩に対するレーザー治療, 黒皮症におけるレーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングのためのレーザー治療, 低出力レーザー治療, ニキビ跡のレーザー治療, 毛髪障害, 皮膚科, 髪の再生手術