ภาวะเลือดออกใต้เยื่อบุตา เกิดจากอะไร ต้องรักษาอย่างไร - Subconjunctival Hemorrhage - Causes and Treatment

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

The conjunctiva is the white of the eye that contains many tiny blood vessels. If these blood vessels break, it can cause bleeding in the eye or a condition known as subconjunctival hemorrhage


Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

The conjunctiva is the white of the eye that contains many tiny blood vessels. If these blood vessels break, it can cause bleeding in the eye or a condition known as subconjunctival hemorrhage, which is not severe and resolves on its own without affecting vision.


Apart from the red spots in the eye, subconjunctival hemorrhages do not cause any other side effects. There is no pain, swelling, or any impact on vision. In some cases, the patient may feel a slight irritation in the affected eye, but there is no discharge or other symptoms.

When to see a doctor

  • The red spot in your eye does not improve after two weeks. 
  • You have blood in your eyes after an injury, rubbing your eyes, or removing contact lenses.
  • You have pain and vision problems.
  • Your subconjunctival hemorrhage recurs.


Activities or health problems that raise blood pressure can cause the tiny blood vessels in your eyes to break.

  • Coughing, sneezing, vomiting, straining during bowel movement. 
  • Having an eye or head injury or eye infection. 
  • Rubbing your eye harshly or frequently.
  • Wearing contact lenses.
  • Taking some medications, such as blood thinners or interferon

Other underlying health conditions that can be the causes of subconjunctival hemorrhages are diabetes, hypertension, and bleeding disorders.

Risk of subconjunctival hemorrhage

Risk factors

  • Old age: People 65 and above are at risk of subconjunctival hemorrhage. 
  • Health conditions: You are at higher risk of subconjunctival hemorrhages if you have diabetes or hypertension. 
  • Contact lens: Wearing contact lenses can lead to inflammation and broken blood vessels.  
  • Eye surgery: Cataract surgery increases the risk of subconjunctival hemorrhage.


Subconjunctival hemorrhages are not dangerous. In rare cases, it can be a sign of a serious underlying health condition such as a bleeding disorder, severe eye trauma, vascular disease, or severe asthma.


  • History taking and eye examination.

    The physician will inquire about your medical history and symptoms, perform an eye examination, and may also measure blood pressure. Typically, no further tests are necessary unless subconjunctival hemorrhages recur.
  • Blood tests 

    If the physician suspects the patient has an abnormal bleeding disorder, they may order additional blood tests.

If there is irritation, the patient can alleviate the symptoms using lubricating eye drops or artificial tears. Typically, the symptoms can resolve by themselves within 1-2 weeks.


  • Avoid rubbing your eyes. 
  • If your condition is due to a bleeding disorder or blood thinners, consult your doctor for further treatment of the underlying health problems.

Preparation for the doctor’s appointment

Before seeing a doctor, you should list all the symptoms you have been experiencing, your recent life changes, the medications, and dietary supplements you have been taking, and any questions you would like to ask your doctor during the appointment.

Examples of questions that you can prepare:

  • What causes subconjunctival hemorrhage? 
  • Can it recur?
  • Do I have to undergo any tests?
  • What are the treatments for this condition?

Your doctor may ask several questions, including:

  • When did the symptoms start? 
  • Do you have any symptoms?

Doctor's note

Usually, subconjunctival hemorrhage is not dangerous and tends to resolve without treatment within 1-2 weeks. If it recurs or there is pain, it is advisable to consult a physician for a thorough examination to determine the underlying causes.


公開済み 17 10 2023



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    Prof. Ngamjit Kasetsuwan

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    • 角膜
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    Dr Natthiya Lailaksiri

    Dr Natthiya Lailaksiri

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    Dr Monthira Jermjutitham

    Dr Monthira Jermjutitham

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    • 角膜
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    Dr Suphawadee Erjongmanee

    Dr Suphawadee Erjongmanee

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    Dr Thitima Wungcharoen

    Dr Thitima Wungcharoen

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    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
    • 外眼部疾患
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    Dr Wimonrat Prateepasen

    Dr Wimonrat Prateepasen

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
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    Dr Vimontip Layanun

    Dr Vimontip Layanun

    • 眼科
    • 小児眼科
    成人・小児における一般眼科学, 斜視, 斜視および外眼筋手術
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    Assoc. Prof. Dr Vannarut Satitpitakul

    Assoc. Prof. Dr Vannarut Satitpitakul

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    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
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    Asst. Prof. Dr Worawalun Honglertnapakul

    Asst. Prof. Dr Worawalun Honglertnapakul

    • 眼科
    • 小児眼科
    • 斜視
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    Dr Marisa Taechajongjintana

    Dr Marisa Taechajongjintana

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    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術
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    Assoc.Prof.Dr Bharkbhum Khambhiphant

    Assoc.Prof.Dr Bharkbhum Khambhiphant

    • 眼科
    • 屈折矯正手術
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    Dr Usanee Reinprayoon

    Dr Usanee Reinprayoon

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
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    Dr   Nutharin   Phusitphoykai

    Dr Nutharin Phusitphoykai

    • 眼科
    • 角膜
    • 屈折矯正手術 LASIK/SMILEPRO
    眼科, 角膜・外眼部疾患, 屈折矯正手術