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How to Ascertain Cosmetics Expirations?

Cosmetics are what most women use every day to enhance their beauty. However, many people may ignore the fact that cosmetics have an expiration date. The use of expired cosmetics may cause skin irritation.


How to Ascertain Cosmetics Expirations

Women commonly use cosmetics daily to enhance their beauty and boost self-confidence. However, they often overlook that cosmetics also have a specific expiration date. Using expired cosmetics can potentially lead to allergic reactions.

How do cosmetics expire?

The expiration date of cosmetics is typically mentioned on the product packaging, indicated by labels such as MFG/MFD (Manufacturing Date) and EXP/EXD (Expiry Date). Additionally, you can find the period after opening (PAO), which specifies the product shelf life after opening it. The PAO is usually represented by a number, such as 6M, indicating that the product use is safe for six months after opening. Understanding these indicators is crucial to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your cosmetics.

Can cosmetics expire before the indicated product label date?

Although unopened cosmetics typically maintain their quality and adhere to the indicated expiration date on the product label, once they are opened and activated, various factors can cause them to deteriorate and potentially expire earlier than anticipated. Improper storage conditions, such as exposure to air, heat, moisture, and UV light, can accelerate the degradation process.

You can determine if cosmetics have expired by observing changes in their color, especially for products stored for a long time. Oxidation can cause the foundation color to change, even if it is subtle. For instance, a beige foundation may develop a slight orange tint, indicating that it has expired. Another method is to smell the cosmetics. This technique is effective for foundation and mascara. If you notice an unusual odor different from when you initially purchased the product, indicating it has expired. In the case of mascara, the presence of clumps or experiencing irritation or redness after use may also signify expiration.

It is crucial to store cosmetics in a dry place at temperatures below 29 degrees Celsius and away from excessive humidity to ensure your cosmetics' longevity. Remember that the expiration date on the product label is not the only factor to consider; external factors also play a role.

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Is it safe to use expired cosmetics?

Using expired cosmetics can harm your skin, including acne breakouts, irritation, and redness. Expired cosmetics can harbor harmful bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. Additionally, the tools and brushes that come into contact with expired cosmetics may not be sufficiently clean, increasing the risk of bacterial contamination. It is crucial to avoid using expired cosmetics to prevent potential skin infections and maintain healthy skin.

What is the average lifespan of cosmetics?

Understanding the lifespan of your cosmetics is crucial for maintaining their effectiveness and ensuring your safety. Here are some essential guidelines to help you determine the longevity of your favorite beauty products:

  • Mascara and liquid eyeliner: These should be replaced every 3 to 6 months.
  • Concealer (stick or tube): You should use it within six months.
  • Sunscreen or blush: Replace sunscreen every 6 to 12 months. Expired sunscreen becomes less effective and can lead to sunburn, posing risks to your skin.
  • Lipsticks: Generally last 1 to 2 years, while lip glosses last 6 to 12 months.
  • Eyeliner: Can be used for approximately one year.
  • Liquid foundations: Has an average lifespan of 1 year, while oil foundations last about 18 months. Foundations in bottles with pump heads tend to last longer than those with caps, as the pump head helps prevent exposure to the outside air.
  • Cream eyeshadow: Should be replaced every six months. However, powder eyeshadows can last up to 2 years for safe use.
  • Powder-type cosmetics: Properly stored in a dry place, without moisture, they can last up to 2 years.

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What can I do with expired cosmetics?

When cosmetics reach their expiration date, you have several options for their disposal:

  1. Donate: Consider donating your expired cosmetics to makeup artists who use them for special effects or artistic purposes. You can also contribute them to hospitals or foundations that accept donations.
  2. Create Art: Repurpose expired cosmetics, such as blushes, eye shadows, or eyebrow pencils, for artistic endeavors like drawing and coloring. However, it is crucial to protect your hands with gloves when using expired cosmetics, as they may contain chemicals that could potentially harm the skin.
  3. You can recycle some cosmetic packaging, such as compact powder cases with mirrors or bottles, by repurposing them. Clean and reuse the cases for loose powder or use the mirror separately. Wash and transform empty packaging bottles into flower vases or other decorative items.
  4. Proper Disposal: If none of the above options are viable, it is essential to discard expired cosmetics properly. Label them as hazardous waste and dispose of them in designated bins for toxic waste, typically indicated by a red container.

When utilizing cosmetics, it is essential to not only focus on their expiration dates, but also to consider other relevant factors. Before purchasing cosmetics, carefully examine the details, including the brushes and tools used with the products. Ensure they are clean and well-maintained. If you experience any allergic reactions to cosmetics, whether expired or not, discontinue use immediately. In cases of severe allergic reactions, seek medical attention from a dermatologist for further evaluation and treatment.


公開済み 20 7 2023



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    Dr Chatchadaporn Chunharas

    Dr Chatchadaporn Chunharas

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    Dr Yada Itthipanichpong

    Dr Yada Itthipanichpong

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    皮膚外科, Mohs(モーズ)手術, メラスマおよび色素異常, 美容皮膚科, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, 多血小板血漿, ボツリヌス毒素注射, フィラー注射, 静脈硬化療法, メソセラピー, アンチエイジング(抗加齢)および再生医療, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚・爪の手術, ニキビ跡, ニキビ, 酒さ(赤ら顔), 一般皮膚検査, アレルギー性接触皮膚炎
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    Dr Suppakamol Chatsupakul

    Dr Suppakamol Chatsupakul

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    ニキビ跡のレーザー治療, 皮膚弛緩に対するレーザー治療, 一般皮膚検査, ボツリヌス毒素注射, フィラー注射, 静脈瘤, Mohs(モーズ)手術, パッチテスト, その他の皮膚手術
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    Dr Nicha Rungsimanond

    Dr Nicha Rungsimanond

    • 皮膚科
    皮膚再生のためのレーザー治療, 美容皮膚科, 一般皮膚検査, 皮膚科, 毛髪・爪の疾患, 皮脂嚢胞, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚癌手術, ニキビ跡, ニキビ, 乾癬, 皮膚感染, メラスマおよび色素異常, 黒皮症におけるレーザー治療, 炎症性皮膚疾患(皮膚炎), 酒さ(赤ら顔), アレルギー性接触皮膚炎, 接触皮膚炎, 一般婦人科検査, 湿疹, 急性脱毛症, 慢性脱毛症, 毛髪障害, 老人性脱毛症, 瘢痕性脱毛症, アンドロゲン性脱毛症, 低出力レーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングのためのレーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, ボツリヌス毒素注射, 静脈硬化療法, 多血小板血漿, ニキビ跡のレーザー治療, 皮膚弛緩に対するレーザー治療, 軽度皮膚手術
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    Dr Wich Sangsuwan

    Dr Wich Sangsuwan

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    • 毛髪障害および髪の再生手術
    ボツリヌス毒素注射, フィラー注射, ニキビ, 酒さ(赤ら顔), ニキビ跡, 乾癬, 自己免疫性皮膚疾患, 皮膚感染, 性感染症, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚外科, メラスマおよび色素異常, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, 美容皮膚科, アレルギー性接触皮膚炎, 炎症性皮膚疾患(皮膚炎), 自己免疫疾患, 軽度皮膚手術, 皮膚再生のためのレーザー治療, 皮膚弛緩に対するレーザー治療, 黒皮症におけるレーザー治療, ボディコントゥアリングのためのレーザー治療, 低出力レーザー治療, ニキビ跡のレーザー治療, 毛髪障害, 皮膚科, 髪の再生手術
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    Dr Nutthamon Bowornsathitchai

    Dr Nutthamon Bowornsathitchai

    • 皮膚科
    皮膚科, ニキビ, 酒さ(赤ら顔), ニキビ跡, 乾癬, 炎症性皮膚疾患(皮膚炎), 自己免疫性皮膚疾患, 皮膚感染, 皮膚癌検診, 皮膚外科, 皮膚癌手術, Mohs(モーズ)手術, メラスマおよび色素異常, ボディコントゥアリングサービス, アレルギー性接触皮膚炎
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    Dr Kittipong Wantavornprasert

    Dr Kittipong Wantavornprasert

    • 皮膚科
    湿疹, 炎症性皮膚疾患(皮膚炎), 乾癬, 一般皮膚検査, 軽度皮膚手術, 皮膚弛緩に対するレーザー治療, 低出力レーザー治療, アンドロゲン性脱毛症, 瘢痕性脱毛症, 急性脱毛症, 老人性脱毛症, 慢性脱毛症, 白斑, 黒皮症におけるレーザー治療, ニキビ跡, 多血小板血漿, ボツリヌス毒素注射