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Successful treatment starts with knowing your patients.

Couples who struggle with infertility must deal with stress, pressure, and expectation. It is most important to clearly communicate with them about their chances


Successful treatment starts with knowing your patients.

“Couples who struggle with infertility must deal with stress, pressure,
and expectation. It is most important to clearly communicate with them
about their chances and the pros and cons of each type of fertility treatment.”

“Can I still get pregnant at the age of 40?”, “What foods can improve fertility?”, “Is it possible to conceive if I have ovarian cysts? These are some of the questions that couples with infertility problems have been trying to find answers. Many of them may have heard about IVF (in vitro fertilization); it is assisted reproductive technology (ART) which increases the success of conception.

“Some of the patients who consult with me have a low success rate, but it is not impossible. Just do not give up. I used to treat a woman with primary ovarian insufficiency though she just turned 32. Hormone replacement therapy was prescribed. Over one year, her ovary could function as nearly as normal. A glimpse of hope was there so ovarian stimulation and intrauterine insemination were performed and the patient could successfully get pregnant.” 

This is one of the impressive experiences of Dr Som - Dr Pimpagar Chavanavesfrom her infertility treatment journey; “Difficult does not mean impossible.”, quoted she.

  • Dream to work in a lab.

Currently working as an obstetrician specializing in Infertility Treatment and Assisted Reproductive Technology at MedPark IVF Center, Dr Pimpagar recounts her primary and high school life that she was always a student with good grades and interested in science particularly biology and chemistry so she could get into the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University as she wished. With her interest in technology, she was determined to further her specialty in Reproductive Endocrinology after graduation.

“I think being an obstetrician is tough. When I was trained, I faced severe cases, much more severe than I expected, i.e., postpartum hemorrhage, shoulder dystocia, or breech birth. I prefer being in a lab, working with cells.  The more I studied Reproductive Endocrinology, the more I enjoyed it. Being an IVF specialist would be the most suitable choice.” 

Dr Pimpagar decided to study for a master’s degree in Biotechnology of Human Assisted Reproduction and Embryology, the University of Valencia (ADEIT), Spain which is renowned for IVF. While studying there, she and her peers did an infertility treatment project including oocyte retrieval, oocyte cryopreservation, and ovarian tissue freezing for patients before cancer therapy which she gained experience and expertise.

  • Success starts with efficient communication and suitable technology.

“IVF is a complex procedure. We have to assess our patients and clearly communicate with them about their chances and the pros and cons of each type of fertility treatment. Hands must be extremely steady when performing a pelvic exam, sperm injections, or other procedures which must be gently conducted.

Dr Pimpagar told us that most couples feel stressed and pressured and have high expectations. The success of infertility treatment starts with getting to know each couple very well. Doctors must prioritize data collection from the first day of consultation. We have to put ourselves in their shoes; we should discuss, ask questions, and clarify any doubts, before making a proper treatment plan.

However, the success rate increases with effective technology. Doctors specializing in IVF should follow updated news and information and study the advantages of new technologies so a suitable treatment modality can be well-utilized for each couple.

MedPark Hospital prioritizes the importance of education and research; it is a challenging workplace that enables me to improve myself and utilize advanced technology such as blastocyst culture and embryo development monitoring. In the past, embryos were fertilized in an incubator and embryologists would periodically check their quality and maturity. At MedPark, we have Time-lapse imaging and AI (Artificial Intelligence) for real-time embryo monitoring which can check when embryo division starts and what the embryos look like. They will be rated on a scale of 1-9.9. We will select embryos with a high score and transfer them into the uterus, increasing the success rate of conception.”

  • Egg cryopreservation, something women should care for.

Asking her about the trend of IVF, Dr Pimpagar points out that the medical conditions leading to infertility and desire to have IVF, compared to the last 10-20 years ago, remain unchanged, i.e., anovulation, chocolate cyst, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroid, etc. Each case needs a different treatment duration. But the most talked-about trend is egg cryopreservation among women who do not have any health issues but plan to have a baby in the future.

“Women nowadays, though they take good care of themselves, there is one thing they cannot maintain its quality - that is their eggs. They may feel ready to have a baby when they are 45 years old, but their eggs deteriorate. Egg cryopreservation becomes an interesting solution. For people with infertility, we should promote infertility treatment to be equally accessible to anyone. There should be benefits for families with children to motivate people to have more children. Otherwise, the birth rate would be low, the population structure would mostly consist of the elderly, and the future of the country’s development would delay.

Another role, besides being an IVF specialist, is being a mother of 2 adorable children. In her free time, she usually spends time with her children, cooking for them, taking them on a trip to enjoy new experiences, and strengthening family relationships.  Couples who meet her would agree that she is sweet, gentle, kind, and detail-oriented. She understands how happy it would be to have a baby to complete your family.

Dr Pimpagar Chavanaves
An obstetrician & gynecologist specializing in reproductive endocrinology and menopause
Doctor profile

公開済み 23 2 2023



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    Dr Pimpagar Chavanaves

    Dr Pimpagar Chavanaves

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    • 生殖内分泌学
    不妊, 更年期, 妊孕性温存療法, 生殖内分泌学