All on 4 รากฟันเทียมทั้งปาก ขั้นตอน ข้อดี เหมาะกับใคร - All on 4 Dental Implants: Procedure, Benefits, Candidates

All on 4 Dental Implants: Procedure, Benefits, Candidates

All on 4 is a permanently fixed full-arch dental prosthesis with 4 dental implants placed per jaw, securely attached with a complete set of new teeth on one bridge that function like natural teeth


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All on 4 Dental Implants

All on 4 is a permanently fixed full-arch dental prosthesis with 4 dental implants placed per jaw, securely attached with a complete set of new teeth on one bridge that function like natural teeth to replace several missing teeth or an edentulous jaw caused by severely decayed teeth, periodontal disease, a serious accident, or alveolar bone loss, without the need to wear full dentures or undergo multiple dental implant surgeries. All on 4 dental implants are strategically designed to support the entire jaw with a single bridge, providing a newly pleasing smile within 1 day, allowing the tooth root to securely abut against the gums permanently, preventing loosened teeth due to bone loss, and restoring the full functioning force of biting, grinding, and chewing like natural teeth.

Why All on 4 Dental Implants?

All on 4 is the best dental implant treatment solution for replacing entire or multiple missing teeth due to severely decayed teeth, cracked teeth, broken teeth, and severe gingivitis or toothlessness. The material and structure of All on 4 dental implants have been thoroughly researched and designed to provide seamless compatibility between bone cells and dental implants. Fixed bridge with dental crowns allows optimal biting, grinding, and chewing functions. The dental crown’s color imitates a natural tooth-like light.

Unlike All On 4, the removable dentures may slip out of place while chewing, increasing the risk of alveolar bone loss, resulting in sagging faces, and causing a loss of confidence due to slippage dentures slurring speech. All on 4 dental implants fill your mouth with teeth, increase biting and chewing force, prevent the face from sagging, and allow you to speak and pronounce clearly without interruption. Ultimately, All on 4 provides a new set of teeth with strength, durability, and a decades-long lifespan.

Why All on 4 Dental Implants?

Candidates for All on 4 Dental Implants

  • Those who have lost several teeth lost all the teeth, or are about to lose many teeth.
  • Those who do not want to wear dentures as they may loosen or not fit properly.
  • Those requiring multiple teeth but not wanting to undergo multiple dental implant surgeries.
  • Those with low alveolar bone mass and are unable to place dental implants in the molar jawbone.
  • Those who do not want to undergo dental implant surgeries multiple times.
  • Those who have dental issues after receiving dental crowns or lose teeth after receiving a dental bridge and require tooth extractions.
  • Those who have badly decayed teeth that the dentist determined required extraction.
  • Those who have severe gum disease, periodontal disease, or have lost several teeth.
  • Those who do not want to lose alveolar bone mass, as may result in facial length loss, sunken faces, and aging faces.
  • Those who want to regain maximum biting, grinding, and chewing force to fully enjoy their meals.
  • Those who wish to maintain their personality and confidence when speaking or smiling in front of others due to concern for others may notice they are wearing dentures.

Component of All on 4 Dental Implants

Component of All on 4 Dental Implants

All on 4 dental implants have 3 components that vary depending on the material used. The dentist will provide the best advice on selecting the appropriate dental implant material for each patient to make the most effective treatment worthwhile.

  1. Implants are parts that are embedded in the gums, act like a screw or nut, and are fused with the bone, similar to a natural tooth root, to provide support anchorage to the entire bridge, hold the bridge firmly in place without slippage, preserve bone mass, and keep the jawbone in a vertical position to prevent the facial structure from collapsing due to alveolar bone loss.
  2. Abutments serve as the central core of the dental bridge, providing support and securely fastening the bridge and dental implants together. The abutment serves as a connection point between the dental implant and the bridge. Prosthodontists usually select the same material as the implants to ensure maximum compatibility.
  3. Full-arch Fixed Bridge is the portion of the bridge and crown that rests entirely above the gums. Using a 3D digital and CAD/CAM system, a permanent bridge and crown are custom-designed for each individual. The crown can perform full-duty functions exactly like a natural tooth. Dental crowns are usually made of porcelain, a high-quality ceramic material that provides strength, durability, and chewing efficiency while also providing an aesthetic, a natural tooth-like light hue, and a natural-looking appearance.

What is the All on 4 dental implant procedure?

What is the All on 4 dental implant procedure?

All on 4 dental implants at MedPark Hospital adopt the gold standard in surgery, prioritizing safety and treatment success outcomes to achieve the goal of implanting a permanently fixed full-arch dental prosthesis to replace several missing teeth, restoring the full functioning force of chewing, allowing you to speak and smile confidently, and improving your quality of life.

A personalized treatment plan with the prosthodontist

  1. Initial consultation with the prosthodontist to address concerns, determine the purpose, and obtain personal requirements for performing All on 4 dental implants.
  2. The prosthodontist performs an oral examination, which includes inspecting the facial structure, gums, and remaining natural teeth and jawbone.
  3. The prosthodontist x-rays the jaw using a 2D panoramic radiograph and a 3D computerized tomography (3D CT scan) and uses the coDiagnosTiX software to assess the amount of alveolar bone that supports the tooth root to determine if it is sufficient for implant placements, as well as determine vital organs and the location of related nerves before obtaining the examination result to tailor a treatment plan and prepare for the fabrication of a temporary bridge at the digital dental lab.

All on 4 dental implants surgery 

  1. The prosthodontist performs the All on 4 dental implant surgery using CT-guided surgery to guide tooth extraction, drill the gums, and place 4 dental implants accurately in the designated positions as the treatment plan without affecting vital organs or pressing other teeth. 
  2. The prosthodontist will surgically post 2 dental implants in the anterior maxilla at a 90-degree angle and 2 in the posterior maxilla at a 17-45-degree angle in areas with high alveolar bone density to achieve balance and stability. For those with insufficient alveolar bones to support their tooth roots, the prosthodontist will consider bone grafting in conjunction with All on 4 dental implant surgery.
  3. After the 4 dental implants are placed, the prosthodontist will perform an alveolectomy to prepare the gums and teeth by circumcising and shaping both the upper and lower jaw bones to ensure the bridge fits snuggly in its position. Then a temporary acrylic bridge will be placed over the gums. The bridge will be adjusted to fit snugly against the gum, including checking dental occlusion. When all is done, the prosthodontist will screw up the abutments and bridge them firmly together to ensure they are securely attached. The bridge will completely and instantly create balance and stabilization, enable full chewing force, and provide comfort with a new, confident, bright smile. Typically, the surgery takes approximately 3–4 hours.
  4. The prosthodontist will leave a 4–6-month osseointegration period to allow the wound to fully heal and recover before scheduling the next appointment. During this period, the alveolar bone will gradually fuse with the implants until they are fully engrafted. All on 4 dental implants and gums are ready to support a permanent fixed bridge, which has a weight like natural teeth.

Replace a permanent fixed bridge

Replace a permanent fixed bridge

  1. 4-6 months after the osseointegration period, the prosthodontist will schedule an appointment to replace a temporary bridge with a permanent fixed bridge that is strong, stable, and functions like a natural tooth. 
  2. The prosthodontist installs a permanent fixed full-arch acrylic-titanium bridge, ceramic-titanium bridge, or zirconia and examines the symmetry between the bridge and the gum line, including tightness, tooth occlusion, and a new, cheerful, bright smile.
  3. The prosthodontist will schedule a follow-up appointment to assess symptoms, examine bridge retention, tooth occlusion, biting and chewing functions, and gauge satisfaction with the treatment outcome.

All on 4 Aftercare

After completing the All on 4 dental implant surgery, the prosthodontist will make the following aftercare recommendations:

  1. Take the pain relievers prescribed by the prosthodontist.
  2. Apply a hot and cold compress to reduce pain and swelling as advised by the prosthodontist
  3. Eat soft foods such as porridge, boiled rice, noodles, soups, veggie and fruit juices, or smoothies.
  4. Drink plenty of water and temporarily avoid using straws.
  5. Gently brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush, followed by flossing the teeth with Superfloss at least twice a day to prevent infection.
  6.  Use a water Flosser to dislodge small food particles from beneath or around the bridge base.
  7. Avoid biting hard objects, ice, hard and sticky foods, chewing gum, and dried nuts.
  8. If you are experiencing severe pain, swelling, fever, or infection, seek medical attention right away.
  9. Meet with your prosthodontist every 6 months to clean your teeth and oral cavity, as well as assess the condition of your gums, the bone surrounding the tooth roots, and the fixation of the screws to the bridge.

What are the benefits of All-on-4?

What are the benefits of All-on-4?

All-on-4 dental implants are cutting-edge dental restorations that are recognized worldwide for providing a number of significant clinical benefits, including:

  1. Immediate results: All-on-4 provides a new set of teeth immediately after the surgery, providing strong, stable, and functioning like natural teeth.
  2. Short treatment time: All-on-4 surgery can be completed in 3–4 hours; dental implants and bridges can be placed on the same day, enabling chewing, speaking, and smiling instantly.
  3. Timesaving: All-on-4 dental implants provide a full set of new teeth, including dental implants and a temporary bridge, in a single surgery, eliminating the need for multiple surgeries and reducing the number of dental appointments.
  4. Minimum dental implants: All-on-4 uses only 4 implants per jawbone, which helps reduce pain, speed up wound healing, and lower the risk of infection complications.
  5. Reduce the need for bone grafting: All-on-4 uses the technique of posting the posterior implants at a 17-45-degree angle to allow the anterior jawbone to fully function. This reduces the need for additional bone grafting, protects vital organs and nerves, including the maxillary sinuses and mandibular nerves, and prevents postoperative numbness in the lip and chin.
  6. Cost saving: All-on-4 treatment is a cost-saving treatment in the long run if maintenance is required. The implants and abutments are made of the same material, and the bridge is united in a single piece.
  7. Excellent chewing functions: All-on-4 functions like natural teeth. The bridge is strong and stable without slippage, allowing for forceful biting and chewing, distributing chewing force throughout the mouth without causing gum pain while chewing.
  8. Maintains bone mass: All-on-4 dental implants help preserve alveolar bone mass, keep the jawbone vertical, maintain facial length, preserve facial appearance, prevent the face, mouth corners, and cheeks from sagging, and slowing down wrinkles, a sign of aging.
  9. Instantly brilliant smile: All-on-4 gives you a brilliant brand-new smile right after surgery, instantly enhances your personality, boosts your confidence, and relieves your anxiety when talking closely to others.
  10. Long-lasting result: All-on-4 is a worthwhile treatment. They have a long lifespan; the prosthesis can last for decades to a lifetime.

What is the success rate of All on 4?

All on 4 is an FDA-approved dental treatment with a long-term success rate of up to 98%. The treatment is recognized as a dental rehabilitation to replace an edentulous jaw or multiple missing teeth with safe, effective, and high accuracy, significantly improving the patient's quality of life.

How long does the All on 4 last?

With only 4 dental implants per jaw, All on 4 requires minimal maintenance, not to mention its reputation for strength, durability, and longevity. According to the annual oral and dental health examination statistics, most dentists find All on 4 have an average lifespan of 20–25 years, and with good oral and dental hygiene best practices, All on 4 can last a lifetime.

What is the recovery time for All on 4 dental implants?

Typically, All on 4dental implants take approximately 3-4 weeks after surgery to fully recover. The pain and swelling will gradually subside, and the wound will completely heal. However, the patient can return to work and resume normal activities in 2-3 days.

How does All-on-4 help maintain health?

All-on-4 dental implants fill an empty mouth with teeth, restore damaged teeth, increase biting force, distribute chewing function, prevent loosened teeth, maintain bone growth, resolve misshaped teeth, improve pronunciation, eliminate denture slippage, help speak smoothly, instantly yield a new smile, boost confidence, keep your face looking young, and significantly improve your quality of life.

รากฟันเทียมทั้งปาก All on 4 รพ. เมดพาร์ค

All on 4 Dental Implants, Teeth Replacement Treatment at MedPark Hospital

Dental Center, MedPark Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand, is led by a team of sophisticated prosthodontists with a national reputation who are ready to diagnose and treat difficult and complex oral diseases with specialized dentistry, including dental implants or All on 4 dental implants, using state-of-the-art medical technology and equipment with an advanced infection prevention system and digital dental lab that helps craft dental workpieces quickly, aid in treatment speed, precision, and maximum efficiency, while also providing post-treatment follow-up to reduce complications, shorten the recovery time, and allow the patient to maintain strong, long-lasting oral health.


  • Does All on 4 hurts?
    Before surgery, the anesthesiologist will administer IV sedation to help reduce pain during the procedure. After surgery, the prosthodontist will prescribe a strong pain reliever to help with swelling and pain.
    In All on 4 dental implant surgery, the prosthodontist will use a minimally invasive surgery (MIS) technique to allow wounds to heal quickly, shorten recovery time, and enable teeth to promptly function.


发布 05 2月 2025



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