MedPark Stories

A Visionary Surgeon Who Transforms Lives Through Heart Valve Surger
“If you want to be happy, do what you love. And if you want to be successful, love what you do.”

Pediatric Anesthesiologists, Children breathe; Parents entrust their hands
An anesthesiologist, though not directly involved in therapeutic intervention, is integral to the medical team. They provide essential support during medical procedures.

Heart Valve Repair: Treating Heart Valve Disease for Long-term Quality of Life
The extraordinary synergy of the heart presents a profound challenge for cardiac surgeons. I have devoted myself to thoroughly understanding complex functions and mechanisms of each component

Dentists: Professionals Who Master the Art of Managing Patient Fear
“I had a patient tell me that childbirth was less frightening than a dental visit.” Dentists: Professionals Who Master the Art of Managing Patient Fear

The craft of an orthopedic doctor is like that of a structural engineer
“Without a solid foundation, our life journeys would be challenging.” Though many take feet for granted, imagine the disastrous impact if suddenly they are out of commission. Such a loss would be truly devastating.

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Everyone has likely visited a dentist at some point. However, why are some people afraid of seeing the dentist? Why do dental procedures make many people apprehensive? Even adults may be hesitant about visiting the dentist, so one can only imagine how anx

Experience Conceiving IVF Baby: MedPark IVF Center First Success
Many couples, despite many years of marriage, do not have children. These could be due to physical health or mental readiness issues. However, some face infertility, requiring assisted reproductive technologies like IVF and ICSI to help fulfill their drea

Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Orthopedic Surgeons
The challenge of endoscopic surgeons is rapidly advancing technology, requiring doctors to keep up ecause they are guardians of the structural framework and main supports of the body

Dermatologists Not Only Acquire Knowledge to treat Patients but Also Care for Themselves.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a pollutant that causes sunburn, freckles and many other skin problems. Although skincare products and supplements can help soothe the skin, “avoiding sunlight” remains the primary preven

Medical Approaches to Treating Ankle Instability and Arthritis
Ankle instability occurs when ankle ligaments loosen or weaken. This problem can create a feeling of insecurity while walking, increasing susceptibility to turning and twisting an ankle

Hematological cancer treatment in the era of targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and stem cells
Hematological cancer treatment in the era of targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and stem cells

We cure some patients, not others. We do not promise false hope but give comprehensive treatment.
Dr Sethasiri Sangsuwan is a preventive medicine physician specializing in marine medicine and an expert in hyperbaric medicine. He emphasizes the importance of knowledge, understanding

Leg lengthening surgery: A safe yet complex procedure to augment height
Advancements in medical technology and knowledge have significantly improved the safety of leg-lengthening surgery performed by orthopedic surgeons.

Palliative Care for Cancer Patients: Nurturing Heart and Life
Cancer can affect anyone, with management varying by stage and type. This Special Scoop covers end-stage cancer and palliative care.

Medical education and establishment of medical schools
Prof. Dr. Sinn Anuras, CEO and hospital director of MedPark Hospital honored us by sharing his vision for healthcare development in Thailand. He also put forth concepts and initiatives that can help expand and advance medical knowledge

MedPark Medical Escort Center: The Air Medical Team
he flight medical escort team. The goal is to ensure a safe journey even when facing severe air turbulence or unexpected circumstances. Today, we proudly introduce MedPark Medical Escort Center

MIS: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Spinal nerve decompression surgery is typically considered the final option. In this article, Dr. Tewajetsada Paruang, a surgeon specializing in neurological spine surgery at MedPark Hospital, elaborates on the minimally invasive spine surgery

Patients can not only walk but also run and do push-ups too
Surgery for complicated bone fractures relies on orthopedic trauma specialists, as well as full complements of instruments and a team of medical staff. Around 50% - 60% of orthopedic patients are not joint replacement patients nor those with spinal

Dietitian: Person who treats and rehabilitates patients with food
the registered dietitian. Registered dietitians are one of the professions that play a significant role in supporting the treatment and rehabilitation of patients in hospitals. Many people may not be aware of regarding the work of dietitians in hospitals.

Foot and ankle orthopedic surgeons offer alternative treatment options, inspiring hope.
"We can repair and treat patients' feet, helping them regain their functions and address disabilities.” recounts his experience and decision to become a foot and ankle surgeon.

Bladder cancer treatment journey with minimally invasive laser surgery
Bladder cancer treatment journey “Maybe my urine had a funny color because I drank too much champagne. I thought it was not serious and would be clear if I drank more water. A few weeks passed, but the problem persisted. When I saw a drop of fresh blood”

Witnessing my patients achieve clearer vision and happier lives kindles my passion for caring for them
“SMILE® Pro answers what doctors and patients want. It is safe and precise, greatly minimizes patients' fear.” Dr. Suphawadee, an ophthalmologist specializing in cornea and refractive surgery, whose career as a cornea specialist has spanned over 20 years.

The true challenge for gastroenterologists is the underlying causes.
Physicians must grasp the big picture, understand the mechanisms, and comprehend the comprehensive interconnections of this system. Dr Sureeporn, share her professional experiences and shed light on the fascinating perspectives and challenges of understan

Severe, complicated, traumatic bone fracture nearly needing arm amputation
Severe, complicated, traumatic bone fracture “It was tough. My arm atrophied, but the doctor kept encouraging me to push through.”

Complex coronary artery disease and life-saving interventions require a special breed of “cardiology interventionists.”
One-third of coronary artery disease patients have complex lesions with high mortality risk. Chronic arterial inflammation causes fatty deposits and partial or total blockage of coronary arteries, leading to reduced blood flow to the heart.

In an emergency department (ED), the presence of the mind takes priority to increase patient survival.
“Patients coming to an ED are in dire strait. ED doctors should remain level-headed to enhance patient survival.” Dr. Lertrit Wannaeiampikul, an emergency medicine doctor

A Dermatologist Steeped in Immunology, Different Treatment Perspectives
For complex skin conditions, you may miss the true cause of a condition by just focusing on the skin symptoms.

Sharing Experience: Cataract Surgery with Two Distinct Intraocular Lens Replacement in a Single Day
The doctor had everything planned out. He is highly experienced and knows what I need most.

Prosthetics and orthotics are small, yet grand artistry embedded in medical rehabilitation.
While many physical conditions are curable, some patients must endure the lasting consequences of such disorders, ranging from the loss of limbs to independence. Our role in assisting them lies in providing training to help

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT): Laser to lower intraocular pressure in early-stage glaucoma
selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) is a laser fine-tuned for appropriate pulse duration, frequency, and energy to eliminate melanin-containing cells selectively in the trabecular meshwork region.

A cardiologist is someone who extends opportunities because one heart is equal to one life.
“We don't just save one life; we also preserve the smiles of those in their families.”

A Desperate Battle Against COVID-19: A Glimmer of Hope in the Darkness
Mr.Manoj Parekh, an Indian expatriate, found himself falling prey to this merciless virus alongside his indomitable 99-year-old mother, Ms.Kamlaben. Amidst the grim reality of the pandemic, one morning, Ms.Kamlaben vomited during her breakfast.

Greenlight Laser PVP: Prostate surgery technology. Pioneering treatment and restoring quality of life
Green Light Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate (PVP). GreenLight laser with enhanced surgical effectiveness.

Parkinson’s disease: Early detection and treatment leads to better quality of life.
Parkinson’s disease is one of the most prevalent diseases among seniors after Alzheimer’s disease and is more common in individuals aged 60 and above. This disease is complex and intricate, requiring appropriate care and proper treatment.

A daughter recounts the moment her mother suffered a brain blood clot.
If you have any unusual symptoms, please see a doctor within 6 hours, if possible.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: A Focus on Sustainable Quality of Life.
Sustainable quality of life arises from collaborative teamwork in setting goals and jointly crafting personalized treatment plans.

An uncanny ability to diagnose skin diseases with the naked eye.
I derive happiness when my patients appear more attractive or confident, as this has the potential to radiate or invigorate their lives.

A surgeon’s experience with coronary balloon angioplasty
Careless in my assumption that the absence of symptoms equated to an absence of disease, I was terribly mistaken. The truth, lurking beneath the facade of well-being, lies in wait, poised to strike when least expected.

When insomnia becomes persistent and negatively impact your health
Sleep is a fundamental aspect of human existence, crucial to physical and mental well-being. However, when sleep becomes disrupted, it will have profound, adverse effects on our overall health and quality of life.

Rosa: Embracing the Future of Medicine with the Robotic Surgical Assistant
Knee joint replacement surgery serves as a vital surgical intervention for those grappling with degenerative knee joints, aiming to restore their mobility and overall quality of life.

Being a rheumatologist suits me perfectly because I thrive on delving into investigations and relentlessly searching for answers.
Every case is unique and intricately complex, demanding the incorporation of laboratory findings and X-ray results for an accurate diagnosis.

Battling until the very last moment: A fusion of Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer to the Lung
he means the world to me. My solemn commitment is to offer her nothing less than the finest care, ensuring that she experiences a life brimming with joy and that she remains with us for as long as fate permits.

Living in fear and misery for the rest of your life or facing your challenges head-on with the possibility of improvement.
Surgeons belong to the discipline of medical professionals who play a pivotal role in preserving and enhancing the lives of countless individuals. While the outcomes of medical treatments can be favorable, the journey to success

Mother shared her experience of her 3-year-old daughter undergoing surgery for a pediatric trigger finger.
Trigger finger is not limited to adults; it can also manifest in children. While the symptoms of trigger fingers in children may appear innocuous at first glance, this condition can significantly impact hand

A 75-year-old prostate cancer patient shares his non-surgical treatment experience
A 75-year-old American expatriate living in Thailand for over 25 years, decided to treat his prostate cancer with a temporary radioisotope brachytherapy. After the treatment, there are no remaining radioisotopes in his body

Kidney disease often arrives bundled with heart and brain disorders
To confront this, we must cultivate a deeper understanding and adopt a holistic strategy that blends the strengths of modern medicine with the wisdom of naturopathy.

"A swollen throat can be life-threatening" Transforming from a first aid provider to an otolaryngologist.
Our survival is limited to just four minutes without oxygen. Our narrow respiratory passageway is easily affected by swelling or tumors.

Everyone who seeks treatment for infertility desires to hold a healthy child.
Establishing a comprehensive fertility treatment center in Thailand is no easy task. It requires careful planning, skilled personnel, up-to-date technology, high standards, and a well-designed patient experience to meet all the requirements.

Medical technologists play a vital role in enhancing patient treatment outcomes..
The laboratory operates with a distinct process, unlike other departments. Our work involves handling microbes and chemicals, some of which can pose risks to patients and staff.

“Sacrifice for love” A couple shares their kidney transplantation experience. A new life under the same skin.
Between a father and child related by bloodline, compatibility is more likely. As for me and my wife, there was a high chance of incompatibility.

With 30 years dedicated to helping couples struggling with infertility, I find immense happiness and am deeply touched every time
It's a doctor-patient relationship where, even after successfully treating them a long time ago, we continue to stay updated and connected, sharing news with each other.

Stroke: The Critical Importance of Time
While individuals with other illnesses can often by themselves seek medical care once symptoms manifest, stroke victims find themselves utterly helpless. It is what makes stroke a condition

A Cataract might appear insignificant, but it’s definitely not.
Gathering extensive patient information through discussions and medical history analysis significantly enhances the treatment process, leading to optimal surgical outcomes.

Every dentist and dental assistant share a common vision: delivering exceptional care to our patients.
Life journey as a prosthodontist, a master of crafting dental prosthetics who makes the intricate art of dental crown procedures appear effortless

In anesthesiology, our role extends far beyond simply administering anesthesia; it's about breathing life into our patients.
We are doctors who work behind the scenes, so patients often don't know what we do. Sometimes, they only see us for 5-10 minutes before they fall asleep.

In physical therapy, patients are our teachers.
We need to nurture the faith of patients. We must do everything to earn their trust, delivering the result they come to expect; this is why we need to keep on learning unceasingly.

Because oral health is vital at every moment of life
Unlike other organs, our enamel and dentin are limited in amount and can hardly regenerate. Repetitive infection can eventually lead to total loss of tooth substance.

I’m determined to make every surgery a masterpiece.
Eye surgery is not just a treatment for eye problems; it is to bring happiness into a patient’s life. Considering each patient has different needs and lifestyles, the priority is to discern

The tale of giving birth to triplets in the family's first pregnancy.
The tale of giving birth to triplets in the family's. The first pregnancy being triplets brought many worries. We did not know what might happen.

Life as a New Mother and Her Initial Extreme Parenting Stance
Life as a New Mother. I had cracked nipples. They were exquisitely painful and covered with scabs. So my kid swallowed the shed scabs with breast milk. It was so painful every time I breastfed.

A good surgeon has to be good not only at surgery but also at treating patients without surgery.”
“Every patient requires unique treatment and exercise regimen. We need to assess and analyze in detail to recommend what is the most suitable and beneficial for them.” This point of view, derived

Love yourself and be a giver” Ms. Poonpan Chaiyakul and her Sarcoma treatment journey.
Sarcoma is unlike other cancers; it is not detectable by a blood test. So, a blood test is pointless. It can pop up in any part of the body. By the time we are in the know, it already has become

Radiotherapy is not an enemy but a hero in improving cancer patients’ lives
Everyone is intimidated by radiation and doesn’t see it as treatment but more as a harming agent. However, today’s medical technology has greatly advanced,resulting in accurate and efficient treatment

90% of mothers have enough breast milk for their babies if they know how.
Ninety percent of mothers produce a sufficient supply of breast milk but lack knowledge and understanding about breastfeeding, causing many children to miss the opportunity of being breastfed.

Experience with battling breast cancer at 74 and dealing with brain lumps.
The doctor checked everything and found nothing except a little spot the size of a match head in her brain. The doctor said it could become bigger if it’s malignant. And one day, she just fell on her

Successful treatment starts with knowing your patients.
Couples who struggle with infertility must deal with stress, pressure, and expectation. It is most important to clearly communicate with them about their chances

True Story Kidney Failure Treatment: Fast Recovery with Hemodialysis and Physical Therapy
My mother was old and came to the doctor with kidney failure. When kidneys failed, it was like a domino effect – the heart started to beat irregularly, the lungs were filled up with fluids,

We do not simply care about your physical but also your emotional well-being.
Skin disease may not be life-threatening, but can impact emotional well-being. After treatments seeing everyone reintegrate confidently into society, I am overjoyed.

These are what bring doctors great joy
Surgeons should not simply just go through the motions of doing surgery but must also focus on achieving successful treatment outcome.

We treat patients like our family members.
“We must take care of patients physically and mentally. This is very natural, and we must not go against it.”

An obstetrician must always respond without fail whenever called upon
An Obstetrics & Gynecology Doctor specializing in Maternal and Fetal Medicine

The Earlier, The Better. The Faster the Diagnosis, the Easier For You to Deal With.

Don't stop helping the patient (Endless Efforts)
One of the leading infectious disease specialists with deep experience in caring for Thai and foreign patients for over 30 years. He is well-known for his innovative solutions...

Dr Wilawan Watewai
A healthy immune system can fight against allergies. I want my allergy patients to be able to live normally as possible.

Dr. Dai – Sudpreeda and the best cancer drug called “Understanding”
Doctors who are not oncologists may only see an overall view of what drug regimen matches a particular cancer type. However, drugs effective for one patient may not be necessary for others.

Asst.Prof.Dr Nitra Piyavisetpat
Asst. Prof. Dr. Nitra Piyavisetpat. Diagnostic Radiologist

Never stop learning for good life quality of the patients
He is a noted surgeon, the one and only level-11 Professor of Head, Neck, and Breast surgery in the country. He is recognized as an expert in oncologic breast and thyroid cancer surgery domestically.