
Arthroscopic Shoulder Joint and Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery Packages
Arthroscopic Shoulder Joint and Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery Packages. Shoulder pain, or injury of the muscles and tendons around the shoulder joints, can affect everyone. Because the shoulder joint plays a crucial role in nearly every daily movement

Pain Relief with Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation (PMS) Packages
Pain Relief with Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation (PMS) Packages is an advanced technology that utilizes high-intensity electromagnetic waves to stimulate the peripheral nervous system, helping to alleviate pain.
LGBTQ+ Health Screening Package
LGBTQ+ Health Screening Package, Various health conditions—such as cancer, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, and osteoporosis—can develop even in the absence of symptoms or at a young age.

Flat Foot Reconstruction and Foot Fusion Surgery
Flat foot reconstruction aims to restore the foot’s natural structure, typically for cases where pain or deformity cannot be resolved with orthotic devices or other supportive treatments.

Endoscopic Spine Surgery Packages
Spinal surgery, advancements in medical technology have led to endoscopic spine surgery, which uses small incisions to insert a miniature endoscope with high-magnification lenses

SMILE® pro Staycation Package with 1 night executive room
SMILE® pro is a revolutionary, advanced vision correction technology. It involves the precise creation of a lenticular, a thin disc of central corneal tissue, using high-frequency

Femto LASIK Staycation Package with 1 night executive room
Femto LASIK is a laser procedure that corrects vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Influenza & Dengue Vaccine Package
Influenza & Dengue Vaccine Package. Strengthen your immunity and reduce the risk of life-threatening infections viral diseases for yourself and your loved ones.

Speech Therapy Programs
Speech Therapy Programs are designed to address and correct speech and pronunciation challenges for individuals affected by different causes

20-valent Pneumonia Vaccine Package (1 Dose)

Carotid Doppler Ultrasound
Carotid Doppler Ultrasound. A Swift, Painless Screening for Carotid Artery Stenosis. Carotid arteries are large blood vessels on each side of the neck, branching out from the aorta on the left and Brachiocephalic artery on the right side.

ICL Program (Implantable Collamer Lens)
The ICL surgery offers a long-lasting solution for myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism, providing patients with sharp eyesight and clear vision.

Holistic Health Checkup Programs
It is essential to have a regular medical checkup. This will help to recognize potential health trends in the future, and it can also help promote healthy well-being.

Medical Checkup Package
MedPark provides a private and highly individualized health checkup experience. See details of all medical checkup packages here.

Gastroscopy & Colonoscopy Package
By detecting colon cancer in the earlier stage through gastroscopy & colonoscopy, colon cancer is preventable.

Thin Prep Package
Screening is better than treatment.

Prenatal Exercise Programs for Expectant Mothers
Prenatal Exercise Programs for Expectant Mothers. A healthy approach to prepare for the birthing process.

Femto LASIK Program
Femto LASIK is an innovative vision correction procedure that uses a Femtosecond Laser to help correct various vision abnormalities. Examples include nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Diabetes Packages
The diabetes screening package is suitable for individuals with metabolic issues, those with high blood sugar levels, and those with diabetes.

Diabetes Mellitus Screening Packages
Diabetes Mellitus Screening Packages. Complications from diabetes can be severe, potentially leading to disability or death. However, early diagnosis and proper treatment significantly reduce the risk of complications.

Anorectal Manometry (ARM) Package
Anorectal Manometry (ARM) is suitable for people who suffer from constipation, fecal incontinence and abnormal rectal sensation.

RSV Vaccine
Protect yourself and your loved ones with the RSV Adjuvanted Vaccine.

Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
The Cardiac Rehabilitation Program aims to help heart disease patients safely and effectively resume daily activities. This program seeks to improve quality of life and decrease the risk of recurrent heart conditions.

Cadmium Screening Program
Cadmium can persist in the human body for up to 30 years and accumulate in the liver and kidneys, leading to proteinuria.

SMILE® pro Package
SMILE® pro The Most Modern Treatment for Myopia and Astigmatism

SMILE® pro Eye Screening Package
SMILE® pro Eye Screening Package

Growth Assessment Package
Growth Assessment Package (Kids Aged 5 -14 )

Personalized Oral Health Care (POHC)
Because an individual’s oral cavity is different, personalized oral health care is necessary.

Novel Herpes zoster vaccine (RZV)
Shingrix®, a recombinant subunit zoster vaccine (RZV), non-live vaccine that prevents herpes zoster based on a specific protein of the varicella-zoster virus called glycoprotein E.

4-Serotype Dengue Vaccine Package (2 doses)
The efficacy of the vaccine against infection by all four serotypes of dengue

Menopause Package
Menopause is a natural part of aging for women. Most women enter menopause when they are between 45-56 years old (50-51 on average)

Influenza Vaccine Package for seniors
Senior adults should get influenza vaccination once a year. The vaccination can lower the severity of the disease and minimize the risk of complications.

Eyelid Spa (Eyelid Hygiene Treatment) Package
Eye care with a gentle massage and eyelid cleansing.

FibroScan Package
Elastography Ultrasound or FibroScan® is a fast and painless procedure that uses sound waves to measure the build-up of scar tissue and fat in the liver.

Oral Appliance (OPTISLEEP) Package
A custom-designed oral appliance to reduce snoring and obstructive sleep apneas.

Fertility screening for Male & Female Package
"Infertility" is a problem in many couples.

IVF/ICSI Package
IVF/ICSI Package (In Vitro Fertilization/Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

Egg Freezing Package
Oocyte freezing or egg cryopreservation is a procedure to preserve eggs at subfreezing temperatures of liquid nitrogen to prevent age-related egg degeneration for people who plan to get pregnant later

Infertility screening for Male & Female Package
Infertility screening for Male & Female Package

Straumann dental implant package
Dental implant brings the confident smile, increases chewing ability and happier lifestyle. Suitable for people who want to replace a lost tooth from tooth decay, gum disease, or injury with a dental

Prenatal Care Package
Once pregnant, prenatal care is what every woman should have. With prenatal care, mothers can get necessary screening tests for conditions that may occur during pregnancy and receive advice and care

Dental Implant Package
Dental implant (Astra Tech) made of titanium with European standards to restore your beautiful smile, boost confidence, and improve your ability to chew.

Hand Foot Mouth Disease Vaccine (EV 71 Vaccine) Package
Hand Foot Mouth Disease Vaccine (EV 71 Vaccine)

Reduce excess body fat and curb hunger hormones Package
A new alternative way to Reduce excess body fat and curb hunger hormones. And pinpoint the causes of weight gain for proper medical treatment.

Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) Package
Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) Package No scar, Fast postoperative recovery

Diabetic Retinopathy Package
Diabetic Retinopathy is one of the primary causes of blurry vision and permanent blindness. The noticeable symptoms include blurred vision and a dark patch blocking the person's partial

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Package
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), a restorative innovation for muscle weakness, numbness, or acute and chronic muscle spasms

HPV Vaccine Package (9 strains) Package
The 9 strain HPV vaccine provides more comprehensive protection against viral infections.

Advanced Eye Screening Package
Advance Eye Screening Package is a comprehensive screening test to diagnose eye diseases which can potentially lead to temporary or permanent vision loss.

Biofeedback for Dyssynergic Defecation Package
Treatment for dyssynergic defecation is a biofeedback therapy. The expected outcomes for this approach are that people can pass stools with minimal or no use of enema and without digital evacuation.

Trigger Finger Package
Trigger finger can afflict people of all ages.

Children Eye Exam Package
Pediatric ophthalmologist recommends an eye examination to all children aged 4-14 although they do not experience any visual difficulties. A visual screening is suggested for every 1-2 years.

Sleep Quality Package
We spend one-third of our lifetime sleeping. For an average life expectancy of 80 years, we would spend almost 30 years sleeping. Good sleep quality positively contributes to the quality of our daytime activity.

Healthy Heart Screening Program
Healthy Heart Screening Program

Degenerative Brain Screening Package

Headache Screening Package
These are puzzles each of you has to solve. Different conditions may have similar headache symptomatology, which requires a differing treatment.

Cataract Surgery Package
Enhanced accuracy and precision

Precocious Puberty Hormone Package
Precocious puberty is when young girls or boys enter their adulthood earlier than expected.

Total Knee and Total Hip Replacement Packages
Robotic-assisted total knee and total hip replacement (ROSA) by orthopedic surgeons specializing in Arthroplasty.

Ultherapy Package
Ultherapy is an innovative facial tightening procedure utilizing the Hyper-Personal Lift technique to lift and firm the skin, restoring a smoother and more youthful appearance without the need for surgery.

Stroke Risk Screening Packages
Therefore, knowing the potential risks that may occur in the future allows us to prevent and plan treatment promptly.

Parkinson Screening Packages
Parkinson's disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly, with a prevalence of approximately 1% among older adults aged 60 years and over.

Adult Vaccine Package
Vaccination is a safe and cost-effective way to stay healthy

Food Allergy Screening Package (Blood Test)
Top 14 Food Allergens IgE Blood Test

Heart Screening Package
MedPark heart checkup program is designed to detect any risks and assist you in planning preventive care for yourself and your loved ones to live a strong healthy heart for long.

Gynecological Surgery Package
Small wound, less pain, faster recovery, and reduce the chances of complications

Prostate Cancer Screening Package
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men which gradually develops. If detected at the early stage during a screening test, the chance of cure is high.

Pre-marital Health Package
The Pre-marital Health Package and the Pre-pregnancy Check-up Program will help reduce the pregnancy risks for the parent and the baby.

Skin Prick Test Package
Skin prick test package for 1 year or more and adults

Digital Mammogram with Ultrasound Package
Digital Mammogram with Ultrasound at MedPark Hospital

Low-Dose Chest CT (LDCT) Package
Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer (LDCLC)

Delivery Packages
Delivery Package, MedPark Hospital

Baby Vaccine Package
Baby Vaccine Package by MedPark Hospital for the children from 1 month up to 2 years.