Product Details

Sleep Quality Package

We spend one-third of our lifetime sleeping. For an average life expectancy of 80 years, we would spend almost 30 years sleeping. Good sleep quality positively contributes to the quality of our daytime activity.

A night of good sleep depends not only on sleep duration but also its quality to have a good daytime quality of life.

If you experience problems or have the following symptoms, see a sleep medicine specialist to assess if you have a sleep disorder.

  • Your snore or have a long breathing pause during sleep.
  • Upon waking up, you are not refreshed, feeling dizzy, or have a dry mouth and throat.
  • You have excessive daytime sleepiness.
  • You have sleep talking, abnormal movements, or vocalization during sleep.
  • You fell asleep without warning during the daytime.
  • You have tooth grinding/clenching during sleep.
  • You have insomnia.

Consult a sleep medicine specialist for sleep disorder screening.

Sleep Quality Package

  • Polysomnography  
  • Split Night Study  
  • PAP Titration Price 
  • Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT)  
  • Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT) 

* A suitable package for each patient is subject to the doctor’s discretion.

Terms and conditions

  1. The prices are for diagnostic screening, including the professional fees of a doctor, sleep technician, and sleep test equipment and device charges. 
  2. The prices include hospital accommodation as follows:Executive River View room with one standard meal for Polysomnography, Split Night Study, and PAP Titration.Executive River View room with two standard meals for Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) and Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT)
  3. Executive River View room with one standard meal for Polysomnography, Split Night Study, and PAP Titration.
  4. Executive River View room with two standard meals for Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) and Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT)
  5. This package cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or promotional offers or a third-party payer such as an insurance company or contract company.
  6.  The prices are valid for Thai nationals and expatriates residing in Thailand only.
  7.  For your convenience, please make an appointment in advance.

Expenses not included in the packages

  1. The prices exclude the doctor’s consultation fees before deciding on a diagnostic screening test package.
  2. The prices exclude the cost of extra procedures or expenses outside the packages, such as the use of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine, medications, and the cost of additional investigations recommended by the doctor based on the result of the sleep tests.
  3. Other privileges, discounts, or promotional offers do not apply to the package prices.

To schedule a sleep quality screening test, please contact:

  • Neurology Clinic, 5th Floor, Counter D, Tel. 02-090-3114, or
  • Sleep Lab, 8th Floor, Counter C, Tel. 02-090-3129, or
  • Ear Nose & Throat Clinic, 12A Floor, Counter D, Tel. 02-090-3128

Published: 30 Oct 2024 18:39 PM
