La Med Allergy Pack 02 0

Skin Prick Test Package

Skin prick test package for 1 year or more and adults


List of items for skin prick test (for 1 year or more and adults)
Price 1,190 THB

8 types of Aeroallergens

  1. Mite mixed (Allertech)
  2. Para grass
  3. Johnson grass
  4. Cat
  5. Dog
  6. American cockroach
  7. Cladosporium
  8. Acacia pollen  

Terms & Conditions

  1. The packaged price is available to purchase from now – 31 December 2025.
  2. The price is exclusive of doctor's fees
  3. The price includes nurse fees and hospital service fees.
  4. The prices stated are only valid to use with the specified programs. It cannot be changed or cannot be used in combination with other promotional campaigns or a third-party payer such as an insurance company or contract company.
  5. The test can be performed on both adults and children. (A child must be at least 5 years old)
  6. The patient must stop taking any medications that contain antihistamines at least 7 days before the test and should not show any sign of rash on the day of the test.
  7. The price is exclusively for Thai residents and expatriates residing in Thailand only.

* For a skin prick test, only certain types of food allergens can be tested. 
   For more information, please contact our staff at the Pediatric Center.

Pediatric Center

8 Floor, Counter C - D (WEST Lift)
Tel. 02-090-3138
8:00 am.- 7:00 pm.

Skin Prick Test Package Th 1

Skin Prick Test Package En 2

Published: 15 Oct 2020
