List of items for skin prick test (for 1 year or more and adults)
Price 1,190 THB
8 types of Aeroallergens
- Mite mixed (Allertech)
- Para grass
- Johnson grass
- Cat
- Dog
- American cockroach
- Cladosporium
- Acacia pollen
Terms & Conditions
- The packaged price is available to purchase from now – 31 December 2025.
- The price is exclusive of doctor's fees
- The price includes nurse fees and hospital service fees.
- The prices stated are only valid to use with the specified programs. It cannot be changed or cannot be used in combination with other promotional campaigns or a third-party payer such as an insurance company or contract company.
- The test can be performed on both adults and children. (A child must be at least 5 years old)
- The patient must stop taking any medications that contain antihistamines at least 7 days before the test and should not show any sign of rash on the day of the test.
- The price is exclusively for Thai residents and expatriates residing in Thailand only.
* For a skin prick test, only certain types of food allergens can be tested.
For more information, please contact our staff at the Pediatric Center.
Pediatric Center
8 Floor, Counter C - D (WEST Lift)
Tel. 02-090-3138
8:00 am.- 7:00 pm.